Forming as Soul Companions:
A Three-Way
Listening Series
Forming As Soul Companions: A Three-Way Listening Series
A Formational Series with
Lynn Holt & Kathi Gatlin
Companioning by Listening to God and Self
Next cohort starting January 2021
Companioning by Listening to God and Others
Discerning the Way Forward
$850 for the Three Course Series
Drawing deeply from Quaker roots of listening, trusting the Present Teacher, and discernment in community, this series creates space for listening to ourselves, God, and others; for the sake of the world. Our work in the Three-Way Listening Series is foundational to soul companionship and invites us to deepen our capacity to become aware of our inward and outward response toward greater freedom and wholeness. This place of spaciousness increases our capacity to host others and to move openly in the world with humility and generosity.
Participants will meet with journey partners, keep a Journal of Learning, and engage in contemplative spiritual practices during our three-course sequence.
Assignments will include reading, podcasts, videos, reflective papers, and practicing reflective listening. This series needs to be taken in order. Participants are required to pursue spiritual direction as a regular spiritual practice (Payment will be negotiated with their selected spiritual director). The Companioning Center has a list of spiritual directors to help you with this selection.
Costs: $850 for the entire sequence. Not included: personal spiritual direction fees and the cost of required books.
Technical Requirements: Participants need to have access to wifi and a computer (with audio and camera capabilities) to use the course site and to engage in the Zoom conversations.
What you can expect:
Approximately 3-5 hours of homework each week
Engaging reading and activities designed for greater self-awareness
Safe small group discussion with Lynn Holt & Kathi Gatlin
Small Class Size
Optional one-on-one meeting with a Lynn or Kathi for an additional suggested donation ($80) - available online or in-person
Our Guides
Lynn Holt is an experienced educator in the formation of spiritual directors. She has trained directors through Portland Seminary for the past 6 years. In addition, she has followed her own vocational call as a spiritual director and supervisor for 23 years. Her training has been through Portland Seminary and the Mercy Center. She is gifted in walking alongside others as they both discern their own call to spiritual direction and to form their ability to host space for others. Lynn is passionate about soul companionship and forming people to be able to host others with the capacity for generous listening and a compassionate heart.
Kathi Gatlin has practiced as a spiritual director for the last 5 years and is recently in supervision training. In addition, she has hosted space as an adjunct professor in college courses that allow safe conversations with those who have diverse views. Kathi provides a gracious space to bring your own understandings and your questions as we journey together to become more present in listening.
Next Cohort starts January 2021
let us know if you are interested in joining in!
8 Weekly Zoom Sessions
Companioning by Listening
to God & Ourselves
Learning how to listen to ourselves and God is the starting place of learning how to listen with others. Using resources from spirituality and psychology, we will look at our spiritual selves as we embrace the sacredness of our humanity. This is the first course in the Three-Way Listening Series that prepares participants for soul companionship for the vocation of spiritual direction.
• A self-guided two-night retreat of solitude and silence - more information will be given during our second zoom chat.
• Participants are required to be in either group or individual spiritual direction.
Required Books:
David Benner, Soulful Spirituality: Becoming Fully Alive and Deeply Human
Mark Nepo, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: Staying Close to What is Sacred
Alternate Weekly Zoom Sessions
Companioning by Listening
to God and Others
Listening deeply in soul companionship requires being aware of a three-way conversation. We pay attention to the movements in ourselves, movements from the Eternal Listener, and the one we are hosting. We will cultivate this posture of listening by practicing contemplative listening regularly in everyday life. This second course in the series allows for practice in listening with others.
• Participants are required to be in individual spiritual direction from this point forward.
Required Books:
Mark Nepo, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: Staying Close to What is Sacred
Diane Mills, The Sacred Art of Conversation: Practicing Presence in an Age of Distraction
Douglass Steer, On Beginning from Within: Listening to Another *selected excerpts will be
provided on the course site
Alternate Week Zoom Sessions
Discerning the Way Forward
Discernment is an intentional practice of deep and generous listening to discover the way forward. In this course, we will consider how to discern many practical issues along with your own invitation in following the vocational call of spiritual direction. Is continuing training in spiritual direction formation your invitation?
Instructors will provide one-on-one guidance in this discernment process along with our alternate week Zoom Chats.
Required Books:​​​
Brent Bill, Sacred Compass: The Way of Spiritual Discernment
Dennis Linn, Sleeping with Break: What Give You Life