Companioning Conference
We are postponing our full conference but are still offering Katie Skurja's Inner Healing Training for Practitioners Intensive.
Use the registration form above to register.
(description listed below in Friday Intensives)
Hospitality. Hosting spiritual conversations is rooted in a kind of hospitality that is grounded in a way of being present and listening wholly, in which inner stillness and attentiveness provide the space for people to speak authentically and know they are being heard.
Humbleness. Hosting spiritual conversations is safest when approached with humbleness of heart and mind, where we are listening as learners, attuned to Spirit and to the heart of another.
Holy Wonder. Hosting spiritual conversations makes room for Holy Wonder as we take a prayerful pose to notice with wonder that, in the words of J.P. Newell:
we may know the sacredness of this moment
and in every moment
seek you
serve you
strengthen you
as the Living Presence in every presence.
This is for you. Companioning takes place in many areas of our lives. Some of us follow a vocational path of being soul-care providers; counselors, pastors, spiritual directors, medical professionals, hospice workers, chaplains, and educators. However, all of us are companions. We were created to companion. From our beginning we were created to walk alongside God, to walk alongside our friends and family. And in this walking, we are formed in the likeness of Christ.
For a more in-depth exploration of this topic, please participate in one of our intensives on Friday afternoon between 1-5pm.
Saturday Conference Tickets
Saturday Only $95
College Student or Companioning Community Discount $70
Due to the CDC Guidelines our conference has moved to being hosted online.
Friday Intensive Tickets, 1-5pm
Friday Only $50
In Combination with Saturday $35
College Student Discount $20
InterVarsity Press sent us these three books to give away to our first 50 registrants. Register today to reserve your copy of one of these new books:
When Faith Becomes Sight by Beth and David Booram
Spiritual Practices in Community by Diana Shiflett
The Winding Path of Transformation by Jeffrey Tacklind
Friday Intensives 1-5pm ~ April 24, 2020
Join us for one of these experiential three to four-hour sessions
Inner Healing Training for Practitioners
with Katie Skurja
Have you ever had the experience of working with someone who seems so stuck that nothing seems to break through? Oftentimes, what hinders forward movement in a conversation, whether it be with a directee, client, friend, etc., is the presence of shame. One of the many problems with shame is… you cannot talk someone out of it. Shame is the most powerful force…apart from grace. Through the process of inner healing, shame can be dismantled in a way to allow an experience of grace to break through.
Katie’s understanding of Inner Healing can be described in three words: Getting God’s Perspective. This 4-hour intensive will explore the concepts of the process of inner healing and introduce some tools that can be immediately incorporated into any practice.
For those interested, Katie Skurja, through the Companioning Center, will be offering an online class to further explore the use of Inner Healing in various forms of companioning. There will be some practical and experiential application aspects in order for participants to gain confidence in the use of Inner Healing in their work.
Wordless Conversations
with Michelle Winter
How do you communicate when words fail? So often we lack the vocabulary to notice and name the movements of the soul, let alone attempt a conversation of spiritual intimacy. What if the expressive arts could give us the tools to develop that vocabulary? What if the process of creating art could help us name our soul movements? What if creating collaboratively became a way into spiritual conversation?
Providing Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care
with Dominic & Jena Abaria
When someone experiences a life-altering event, many people turn to churches and other places of worship for support and recovery. While the intentions of those responding to hurting people are well-meaning, they are often given little if any training around the responses common to trauma victims and how to minister with trauma sensitivity. Taught by a mental health counselor and homeless ministry chaplain, this training provides the basics of providing trauma-informed spiritual care.
Hosting Group Spiritual Formation Conversations
with Kathi Gatlin
Hosting safe groups for the purpose of spiritual formation can be both rewarding and challenging. Kathi has hosted these kinds of group experiences in both in ministry and academic settings. In this 3-hour intensive, we will discuss the components of creating a safe and sacred space for authentic and vulnerable group conversations. Join us as we not only explore how to host the conversation but experience this kind of space together.
Schedule ~ Saturday, April 25, 2020
For Expanded Schedule with Session Descriptions
8:40 am Doors Open
9:00 am Welcome
9:15 am Keynote with Jeff Savage
Companioning with Attentiveness: The Sacred Rhythm of First Voice
10:45 am Breakout Session A
The Gift of Disagreement with Kathi Gatlin
Hosting Spiritual Conversations with Self and Scripture with April Brenneman
Spiritual Conversations with Emerging Adults- Learning to Listen and Explore Faith Questions and Doubts with Chris Murphy
Companioning with Our Shadow: How What We Hide, Repress and Deny Holds the Keys of Connection with Others, Ourselves and God with Michael Simmons
12:00 pm Catered Lunch by LongBottom Coffee and Tea
1:15 pm Keynote with MaryKate Morse
Companioning in the Dark: Spiritual Conversations with Disrupted People
2:45 pm Breakout Session B
Leveling the Playing Field: Stepping out of the Game of Posturing with Katie Skurja
The Arts as Spiritual Conversation with Michelle Winter
Dwelling in the Word: A Listening Practice with Jeff Savage
Redeeming Trauma for Spiritual Growth with Dominic Abaria
4:10 pm Closing
4:30 pm Dismiss
What People Are Saying...
"Very good encouragment from experienced people!"
"A welcoming, comfortable, and reflective space"
This conference was extremely warm and welcoming, as we together, explored relationship with God, others, and self.
"Spacious and challenging in a wonderful way."
"Thankful for connecting with friends, interesting topics, and new ways to think about things."
"Found 'my people'"
"Great conference - really glad I came :)"
This conference offered me plentiful and rich inspiration and encouragement for my companioning work with people walking through suffering. I will be digesting this rich feast and sharing its gifts in my ministry.
"Thanks for all your great work! It was a wonderful day!"
"Thanks for this!"